Sunday, October 7, 2007

Choice of Varieties

There are over 400 varieties of pecans in the world, but only about 100 that are commercially viable. So far we have researched in detail about 14 varieties that can be grown in NC and that we felt would produce the type of pecan we want to market. But with limited acreage at this point, we really need to hone it down further so after long talks with several "old timers" in the area, I think we have decided on the main varieties we will plant. Off I go to the spreadsheet to map out where/how many of each, taking into account wind conditions, lay of the land, size of rows, pollination production and receptivity, woods nearby, irrigation needs, size, color, shell strength and shellout of pecans, and a host of smaller variables. Good thing I enjoy jigsaw puzzles because this is like a giant 3D puzzle and I'm missing the box cover!

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