Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Burn Baby Burn!

Saturday we began burning stumps. As of today we have had lots and lots and lots... well, you get the idea.... of smoke. The stumps don't seem to have been reduced in size much and several of the neighbors are somewhat irritated. The weather has been very warm for January and tomorrow is supposed to set a new record high but what we really need right now is WIND. It would help fuel the fires so that they would burn rather than smolder and it would keep the smoke moving rather than just hanging around. I hope that tomorrow might be a "rather blustery day" to help the process along but alas, I lost my power over the weather when.... OK, I have absolutely no control over any part of the weather but wouldn't it be fun if you could turn the wind or rain or sun off and on like a switch? Until I invent that contraption, I'll just sit and watch the smoke roll by and pray that the stumps will burn completely (and soon).

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