Sunday, March 2, 2008

How things look today...

Don't think I'd mentioned that we bought the water tank last week. 1000 gals worth. We will be using it for both the farm and for an opportunity that we have to rent it during this severe drought in Raleigh. In a way we have been blessed from this drought because it caused an opportunity for us that will actually help us on the farm!

Prayer. I'm ashamed that I do not pray like I should when it always gives me a way to be used by God and learn more about him. The 3 days of prayer we committed to have been amazing. Doors that had been closed for months suddenly opened. We got some rain last week but no one expected the burn ban to be lifted. It was (effective Sat., March 1st). If the Lord wills it according to the weather and other factors the final removal of the left-over burnt piles will be removed next weekend at half the rate we expected to pay (isn't HE good?!!), the following week we will lay off the rows and begin digging holes and the next week (third week of March) we will go to Texas to get 2/3 of our trees. The other 1/3 will be bought locally (varieties that are not available from Mr. Berdoll). This is just inside the planting window and with the addition of the water tank to our family we should be able to go forward. I know you think we are building a roller coaster ride but that's the ride called "farming". Weather, wind, rain, equipment breakdowns, supplier problems, money, labor, time, weather, money, well.... each and every one causes another twist and turn on the ride. I've always liked roller coasters myself. Good thing, I guess!

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